The first


What defines modern skyscrapers is the use of steel with reinforced concrete. The Home Insurance Building in 1885 heralded the rise of skyscrapers around the world. 

Chicago lost humans and resources to the 3 day great Chicago fire in 1871. But, the strong city she was rose up to the challenge of rebuilding lives and businesses, the Home Insurance Building is one of the results.

A painting of the great Chicago fire.

Designed by Architect - William Jenny, the building had 10 stories with two more added later. At 12 stories, it had reached an unprecedented height. It was constructed for the Home Insurance company headquartered in New York.

Being the first, Home Insurance was a heavy structure and with its height raised concerns of toppling over. But as knowledge thrived, latter skyscrapers were built with better skeletons. 

Home Insurance Building was demolished in 1931 and replaced by a larger office. It opened the dance floor for the skyscrapers we see in our days.


  1. Unpopular opinion: one of the reasons for slow or stagnant development in Nigeria is because "we did not go through some disasters and we did not learn anything through some". They are truly horrible but they shaped the mind of the people to do better. But that's time past anyways. Lovely read, learnt something new.

    1. 🤔, most of the ones we did go through or presently going on isn’t being used to bring out our best.
      Thank you 😊


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