Valley of fire road, Nevada

A fire lit in the sun are the fascinating red sandstones found in the Valley of fire, Nevada.
The valley is located miles south of Overton in Nevada, USA and covers thousands of acres of land.
The sandstones were formed from Aztec sandstone million years ago and it's geological faults gave birth to the brilliant red sandstones which glow in the sun. Humans have come to admire nature's endowment in unity.
The valley is a park officially designated for conservation of nature. It's the oldest in the state and has a dry climate (because it seats in Mojave desert) but near fertile land.
Petroglyphs (carved rocks) are common sight in the park. The valley possess facilities for visitors of all sorts, from campers to hikers and picnics.
Valley of fire has a main road linking it's east and west entrances which gives a scenic view of the park to travellers. 😋
All together,the park sleeps amidst nature - located in Mojave desert, near fertile Moapa valley, east of the Virgin river conference and lies in a basin. It's a national natural landmark.
It's view is a common place for shooting of film scenes. Movies like Total recall, The professionals....used it.
Let's walk the path of nature together 😊


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