
    Chipmunks are from the rodent family. They are rodents with stripes found mainly in North America and Asia. They belong to the family Scuridae and are omnivores feeding on vegetables, seeds and little animals such as bird eggs, newly hatched birds 😅, small frogs and worms.
     They store food for winter in their burrows which are very extensive in length and they keep the doorways closed. They have cheek pouches (big cheek pockets 😉) to keep food. They are wise enough to have special tunnels for their faeces.
       They are very important in the ecosystem by their lifestyle of being both a prey and predator. They also help in seed dispersion and dispersal of the spores of the fungi they ingest, fungus which have naturally lost its ability to disperse by itself.
      The Asian Chipmunks hibernate in winter, those of the west don't. The Eastern Chipmunks reproduce twice annually, those of the west do so once. They are diurnal animals (active at night, sleeping in the day) and sleep for long hours.
      Finally, Chipmunks in films are very wise, they can sing and smile 😂.


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