The World's Children's Prize (WCP)


The World's Children's prize is an annual event held throughout the world to honour children's rights and those who fight for them - child rights hero.

On a chosen day in the year, children aged 10-18years in hundreds of schools around the world organise and participate in an election where three nominees (child rights hero) from around the world are voted for to emerge a winner of the world's Children's prize for the rights of child.

A peculiar fact about World's Children's Prize (WCP) is that everything revolves around children especially those whose rights are not being honoured.

The prize given to the child rights hero (most times an adult fighting for children's rights) is meant to encourage these heroes more in their commitment to give children a better world to live in.

In the UN convention, children have rights - right to basic needs, right to be equal and have same rights (gender equality), right to express opinions and be respected, right to be protected from abuse and exploitation... The WCP encourage children to exercise and stand up for their rights.

In the World's Children's Prize program, there are terms like;
  • WCP child rights ambassador - They're are the forefront children changemakers ( like prefects) fighting for and educating other children about their rights.

  • The Jury children - the children's senate 😁, they have become child rights experts themselves because of their life experiences such as being a former debt slave, child slave soldiers, refugees, HIV parentage....They nominate the child right heroes to be voted for.

  • The globe - a special book containing stories about children over the world, child right heroes and their works, the jury...though some of these stories seem frightening, they are true stories of children in the world.

Patrons over the world support the WCP, the Queen of Sweden, the late Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Graca Machel....

In a world filled with debris of evil with children on the suffering end, the World's Children's prize has created a platform to unveil rights, shield and encourage children even in the midst of it all.

There are awards and laureates in various fields and from international organisations, but WCP is for children 😎. They have postponed the vote for this year due to covid. You can read more on, most pictures are gotten from the website.


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