Savannah I


Seating opposite the burning out camp fire, Savannah looked straight forward lost in thought. The stillness of the dark aided her disturbed mind. "Here you are." Isabel voiced as she sat beside Savannah, the later only smiled as she looked up at her best friend and maternal cousin. After two minutes of silence Isabel said gently, "you should stop exploding and storming off afterwards, try viewing things from her standpoint. She's your mother after all."

“She's nothing like my mum." Savannah's pointed gaze towards the camp buildings revealed her angst at her stepmother. Savannah was sure if her more passive mother had seen her grow into adolescence she won't be as strict as her airtight Stepmother.

Isabel laid her hand across Savannah's shoulders, "I know how much you resent her for bringing us all to this family camp and her view of your jeans only made you release pent up emotions. But then..."

Savannah interjected, "she's so paranoid, I can't go to school dressed as I like, can't go out on a date because the boy looks to good to be true, can't go shopping with my friends because I have to be frugal."

"And you are being volatile. Savannah all I am saying is stop destroying so much just to pass one point across. You're behaving like a hurricane. Did you see your dad's face?"

Sober, Savannah hung her head down, "am I that bad..., a hurricane?"

Isabel gave a chastising nod, "the only benefit of that natural disaster is helping global climate, who needs that when lives and properties in their millions are being wasted?"

Savannah's hungry eyes thirsty for knowledge perked up, "I don't really know much about an hurricane." She knew Isabel was not only smart, she attended the best school in the country, a school she was certain her stepmother would decry because of finances.

Isabel smiled a little. "We are coming back to your behaviour. Hurricane is a very severe tropical cyclone."

“I thought a cyclone is another disaster on its own."

"Hurricane, tropical cyclone, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm and cyclone are all different names for a tropical cyclone. Their naming depends on where it occurs and it's strength. Cyclone means winds moving in circles and tropical because it occurs mainly in the tropics. The thunderstorms, heavy rain and strong winds that come with a hurricane is because of the energy it derived from water evaporating from the warm surface of an ocean which then condense to form rain. Pardon my humor, an hurricane has an eye and an eyewall like your eyelids." Isabel paused to  enjoy Savannah reeling in laughter, who could have thought the Belle who smashed her tea cup in anger is a gentle Lily.

A picture of hurricane from outer space.

Savannah still breaking her laugh in bits asked, "how did you come about studying an hurricane in the first place?"

"It was my paperwork on water conservation in Biology." Amazing school, Savannah thought. Students are given assignment as a paperwork they must submit every week on conclusion of a topic in Isabel's school. With a bright smile, Savannah urged, "I will be pleased to hear more about the storm with an eye."

Isabel made a fake obeisance before replying. "Gladly, your highness."


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