Savannah II


A Savannah grassland.

Savannah smiled halfway before giving a cocky grin, "hmm."

Isabel prepped her voice a little with a forced cough before continuing, "the winds of a tropical cyclone rotate clockwise in the southern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the North. The wind's rotation is from energy conserved out of the Earth's angular rotation. This makes the storm rare in countries within 5 degrees of the equator, for instance Nigeria is between 4 degree north and 14 degree north of the equator, say partial sparing."

Savannah whispered, "ooh, reveals why some countries are spared."

"And because tropical cyclones stem from warm ocean, coastal areas are most affected by the storm which lasts for days. The rains resulting may help relieve areas with drought and helps global climate but the consequences far outweigh the benefits - the loss of human life, flooding, destruction of properties, the list goes on. There are 6 regional centres in the world responsible for anything tropical cyclone. Your birthday month November is the only month all tropical storm basins are active."

A tropical storm.

Savannah threw a dried branch into the burning out camp fire. "wow."

Seconds later Isabel added, "Another interesting thing is the El Nino years when the sea temperature rises and during La Nina years it cools, both are opposites in a sense. There are so many things to learn but let's come back to you... I asked after you stormed out on us all, your step mom questioned your choice of tea flavor because she knows your dad is allergic to mint, she guessed you would be too."

“She didn't explain, you know she asks too many questions."

"You've forgotten but I remember clearly you cut her off, before throwing the tea cup and saucer on the wall - she didn't have time to explain."

Isabel hugged Savannah as she whispered to her, "her methods may be grating but your step mom would love to know more about you, give us all a chance Savannah."

Minutes later they both walked into the camp house and met Savannah's step mother seated with weariness hanging around her. As she lifted her face with a tear streaming down she asked quietly treading carefully, "Please dear hear me out."

Savannah let out a deep breath before answering, "I will, clean your tears first. The guy you didn't allow me to go on a date with turned out to be a jerk anyway." Isabel's roaring laughter caused the others to start laughing.


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