Giant Sequoia


Giant Sequoia is one of the old world species of coniferous trees living for thousands of years. They naturally inhabit the Sierra Nevada of California’ coast in the USA.

As their name implies, giant Sequoias can grow up to the height equivalent of a 26 story building and wide as 2 metres. They reproduce through cones which a young Sequoia produce after 12 years.

Because of their long years, giant Sequoia are used to study climate and fire history through the tree rings.


Giant Sequoia is resistant to decay but due to its fibrinous (and brittle) nature, it’s not used for construction. They are used for smaller things like matchsticks 😅

Due to their nature, giant Sequoias are been conserved, saved from forest fires and used more for tourism and horticulture.

Sequoia National Park.


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