Nkosi Johnson


Nkosi Johnson spent 12 years alive. Born in 1989 to an HIV positive mother and he died from full blown AIDS in 2001. 

Nkosi Johnson is a South African born Xolani Nkosi to his mother who also died of AIDS before he was adopted.

On his first day at school, Nkosi was refused entry because of his HIV status. But the school was later reprimanded by the nation’s law which speaks against discrimination based on medical status. 

For his few years, Nkosi spoke up for the rights of children living with AIDS, even on the stage at international AIDS conference. He let the world know that HIV patients are also humans. 

Nkosi alongside his adoptive mother created “Nkosi Haven” for HIV positive mothers and their children in South Africa. He was an HIV children’s activist in an era where maternal transmission was rampant and prejudice high.

Nkosi was honored posthumously with the International World’s children’s Peace Prize. South Africa celebrates children’s day on Nkosi’s death date.

Hi, my name is Nkosi..

N.B; the pictures can be selected and enlarged. The first picture has the speech by Nkosi and his story.


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