Petronas Towers

At the time of completion of the twin towers in 1988, they were the tallest buildings in the world at about 450 meters from the ground and boasting 88 floors. 

The Petronas towers is so named because it’s main occupants are Petronas workers - the government owned petroleum and gas international company. 

Other occupants of the Petronas towers include Aljazeera, Microsoft...

They are found in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia.

At the turn of 21st century, twin towers were the highest skyscrapers before been succeeded by Taipei 101. They still remain the tallest in the country and tallest twin towers in the world.

The two buildings were mainly built on reinforced concrete to decrease the cost of steel import with a tube inside a tube design, common to skyscrapers.

The facade covering the skeleton is glass. Petronas towers has a bridge not built with but suspended between the two towers and connects them.

At the base of the towers is the Suria KLCC shopping mall with its high taste goods. 

With the prominence of Petronas towers, it’s a feature in various media and a national icon.


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