

Pearls can be found natural in the wild or cultivated in farms. Molluscs are a large family of animals such as; snails, octopus, clams, oysters etc. Molluscs are the natural producers of pearls and mostly live marine environment.

Pearls are formed when an irritant touches a Molluscs shell, in response they deposit calcium carbonate crystals in their innermost core continually in layers until a pearl is formed.

Pearl formation is just like sneezing in response to air pollution.

Pearls are iridescent like soap bubbles; they give off various shades of colors based on the wave and angle of light from which they are viewed. 

Pearls come in various shapes and colors. Perfectly round pearls are rare. Pearls are worn as jewelry and very valuable. Previously they were used as part of clothing.

- Wikipedia 
- Google photos


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