

Herodotus is the father of history. So a little history about him 😉

Born in Halicarnasuss, Modern-day Turkey, 5th century BCE, Herodotus was believed to have been born into an aristocratic family and well-schooled, as evidenced from his writings.

An interesting map 😂

Herodotus followed the format of Homer’s Iliad in writing his book “Histories.”His work stands different from his contemporaries in that it is more coordinated, incorporates more than just a political state and doesn’t allude anything to the gods.

Herodotus was a gifted storyteller. Despite criticism, everyone acknowledges his talents.

The Greco-Persian war is the bulk of Herodotus work. He detailed the defeat of the organized mighty Persian armies at the hand of disjointed smaller Greek states. To the end that readers may understand that pride goes before a fall.

Bust from Roman times.

Herodotus travelled the known world and documented a lot about ancient cities. One caveat - Herodotus did exaggerate some of his claims and mayn’t have visited all the cities. His claims were also criticized because he had to rely on translators of various languages and may have made honest mistakes.

Herodotus’ map.

Today, Herodotus’ work is an important source of information on the ancient world, it’s peoples and various cultures.


1. https://www.worldhistory.org/herodotus/

2. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Herodotus-Greek-historian

3. Google photos.


  1. Very enlightening about the father of history... thank you

    1. Thank you for reading sir 🥰


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