Ishtar gate


Ishtar gate remains a face of the Babylon, aside the famous hanging gardens. It was constructed by king Nebuchadnezzar in the 6th century BCE.

Ishtar was named after a goddess. It’s magnificence meant to impress the world on the might of the Babylonian empire. It served as the main entrance to the city.

Though Ishtar’ ruins was rediscovered by archaeologists in the late 19th century, it has been reconstructed to similitude of its former glory.

With a royal processional way leading from the gates, 120 brick lions, 500+ dragons and bulls in 13 rows deck the paved path.

On the enormous structure of Ishtar gates are reliefs decorating the high wide bricks, all summing up to glamorous. So, if we were to walk through the gate…




3) Google photos.


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