
The story about Icarus from Greek mythology starts with his father. Daedalus was said to be Icarus’ father and he was a master architect.

Daedalus was the architect of the labyrinth in Crete - an island off Greece’ coast. King Minis imprisoned an enemy - Theseus - in the labyrinth and the enemy escaped.

King Minos decided to imprison the architect - Daedalus and his son Icarus, believing they revealed the secrets exit points of the labyrinth to Theseus.

On imprisonment, Daedalus designed a beeswax wings for himself and Icarus to escape from the tower where they were imprisoned. But, Daedalus warned his son of overconfidence in the wings and to not fly close to the sun.

Icarus out of pride, flew close to the Sun which melted his wings and plunged him down from the sky to his death. So says Greek mythology 😂


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