Toco toucan


Don’t be scared - the big beak (bill) of Toco toucan doesn’t contribute a corresponding weight to the bird. It’s colorful and the main point of attraction to Toco.

The bill’ function looks diverse but it’s main purpose has not been ascertained. Meanwhile, it helps Toco to regulate body heat like human skin, allowing vaporization or conserving heat when needed.

Also, the bill helps in peeling fruit while Toco feeds and serves as a territory marker in its relationship with other birds. Sadly, their bill doesn’t regenerate after an injury. 

George and Ursula.

Toco toucan are used as marketing symbols in hawking cereals and pretty much famous in zoos.

Indigenous people of South America where Toco inhabits, regard Toco toucan as a sacred bird; seeing it as a means of connection between the worlds of living and that of Spirits.


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