Yellowstone national park

Yellowstone national park is the oldest park established in 1872. It spreads across 3 states (Wyoming, Montana and Idaho) in the United States and has a varied ecosystem.

Geysers - springs which release steam and hot water are a common feature in Yellowstone. Old faithful geyser is the most famous.

Old faithful geyser.

Yellowstone Caldera is the largest volcanic bed on the continent and it’s eruptions serve as the source of the Geysers.

There are 3 Canyons inside the national park, the largest being the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National park. The Yellowstone River is the River from which the park was named and its flow carved out the canyons.

Yellowstone River and the canyons. 

Wild animals like bears, wolves, Bisons, endangered species of birds, natural flora and fauna all exist alongside the lakes, canyons and forests of Yellowstone.

Forest fires occur every year in the park. But recreational activities are well provided and secure for tourists.


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