Darvaza gas crater

In Turkmenistan, miles from Ashgabat - the country’s capital, burns fire in the ground and all by itself. It’s called Darvaza gas crater due to its close proximity to the village of Darvaza. 

The fire is supplied by the vast supply of methane gas in the region and comes out of the ground through an underground cave.

From 1971 when it was discovered by USSR geologists, the crater has been burning. The source of its ignition is still debated. The crater is about 70 miles in diameter.

The locals call the crater “gate or door of hell.” It looks like it 😂

The government nicknamed it “the shining of Karakum” after the Karakum desert in which the crater resides.

Presently, the country is working on projecting the crater for tourism. The neighboring land is already been used for wild desert camping.

You’re snapping at the edge...seriously.



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