
   Harlem is a neighborhood in Northern New York, USA. It was named after Haarlem, Netherlands because in the 17th century it was occupied at first by the Dutch but later on by Italian and Jewish Americans. Finally, by 20th century during the great migration, African American residents began their arrival in their Haven. It has a long history of changing demographics, a center of African American culture, religion, pop culture...
     In years past, Harlem experienced increase in crime rate, decrease in educational ability, the great depression, low housing facilities etc. It has also encountered growth, migration, recognition, Harlem Renaissance, New Negro movement...
    Now patrolled by the 28th and 32nd precincts of New York City police department, with it's schools, colleges, bus routes, fire department...
     Harlem is a much more developed community that bears the mark of African American history such as the Apollo theatre, the African American day parade, which is the largest of its kind celebrating Africans in diaspora.
Welcome to Harlem ☺️


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