The smart money woman synopsis

    Have you ever spent more than you have😉🙄or do you know your net worth? 🤫Written in an African novel setting is the story of Zuri and her friends on their journey to financial freedom through the woes life put them through.
     Meet the characters;
Zuri: young independent woman with high salary but in serious debt because "she was bad with money."😒
Tami: extrovert, sweet gossip, Zuri's bestie, single with many toasters 😆, aso ebi somebody 🤓.
Lara: single and unclear 🧐, wise and bears the financial burden of her family but believes marriage should be, "... my money is my money, his money is our money." 🤐
Ladun: housewife, married to omo olowo, whose family empire is about to crash,🤧.
Adesuwa: have a boy and married to one, downplaying her success because of him (who does that😓). Other characters are; loose mouthed and city gossip Chinasa 🤦, hypocrite Banke, prince charming Tsola🤴, boss Mr Tunde🤵....
    Each chapter of the book ends with a smart money lesson and an exercise to practice it. Here they're summarised.
1. "What "broke" really means;" apart from pocket money or salary what income do you have. So, calculate your net worth.
2. Money fears; "worrying you won't have enough to survive." You have to confront and conquer them.
3. Track your expenses; Know where your money is going by writing down everything you spend your money on.
4. "Slay your debt;" sit down and make a list of your debts, prioritize and set dates to pay up.
5. "Build an emergency fund;" If you lost your main source of income, how much would you need to survive 🙇, start investing to get that amount.
6. "Articulate the vision you want for your life;" "what do you want your legacy to be, your long and short term goals and how would you achieve them."
7. "Develop a sustainable budget;" organise your money by your coat size (cut you coat according...)
8. "Your network is your network;" good relationships are important, grow your network.
9. "The communication about family finances must be had;" talk of your family finances and individual responsibilities.
10. "A few things to consider before you pop your investing cherry;" be vastly knowledgeable about investment or know someone who does.
11. Maximize your earning potential by focusing on finding your purpose.
12. "Definition of smart money woman;" she's the woman we all aspire to be, financially.
      I have never been interested in a "money" book like Arese's smart money woman (though I focused more on the story part😁😉). I was enamored with her style of bringing financial lessons from a fictitious story which looks so real and practicable that it can be applied across gender, personalities and race.
I need a money journal 😆.


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