

Açaí is a dark purplish berry fruit native to South America. It has been consumed for generations by natives but now made an international food product.

Growing on tall Açaí palm trees, Açaí can be harvested as a bunch and processed into powder, fruit drink and much more. 

Harvesting Açaí is dangerous, especially for the native farmers; some can fall off the tall trees. This is because they use tiny ropes to secure themselves while climbing up to harvest.

Açaí is said to have anti-aging properties, prevent certain cancers, improve memory, weight loss, skin appearance, lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. However, none of these has been scientifically proven.

Though Açaí’ popularity for its medicinal purposes has increased its demand - which is the sim for businesses - it remains to note that the primary producers - farmers, suffer injustice in profits/returns. More so, it sposino after harvest if not processed immediately.


1. #Açai #True cost #Business Insider

2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/305576#health-benefits

3. Google photos.


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