Victoria Falls


With cataracts splitting the wide Zambezi River coursing from Zambia to Zimbabwe, Victoria falls is one of the largest sheet of water in the world and formed at this unique location.

Victoria Falls is called by other names. In one of the native languages it means “the smoke that thunders.” David Livingstone was the first European to visit the Falls in 19th century and named it after the ruling monarch of Europe - Queen Victoria. Today, it answers to both native and given names.

Livingstone depicted in bronze sighting the Falls.

As River Zambezi moves South, it travels on a flat plateau which increases the width of the water as they fall and cross into another country.  

Before tumbling down, the falls are divided into streams by islands one of which is the Livingstone island. The most stable of these streams wherein tourist swim is called “Devil’s cataract.” As the River falls, it drops into five gorges.

One of the gorges.

The Zambezi River is one of noteworthy bodies of water in Africa. It’s movement from Zambia to Zimbabwe forms the Falls. The Falls also has natural parks for wild animals.

Devil’s cataract.

The Falls can be viewed from either of the two countries on the Islands doting the landscape. Also railway system makes it affordable to visit and view.


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