Great pyramid of Giza


The Great pyramid of Giza is attributed to Khufu - a pharaoh of the 4th dynasty. Carbon dating of the pyramid proves its age around 2600 years BC 🤭.

The Great pyramid was the tallest man made structure until 1311. It is part of other pyramids altogether called the pyramid complex. 

Pyramid complex 

In the complex are temples and causeways, one linking the Nile. Boats, small pyramids - it is believed that pharaohs built pyramids as tombs. In fact other small pyramids discovered indicate burial sites for officials and relatives of khufu. But it’s a pity that the sarcophagus (like coffin) in the king’s chamber was empty.

Modern staircase within the pyramid.

The Great pyramid has 3 main chambers, original entrance and Robber’s tunnel (tourists entrance) 🤪, ascending and descending passage, a missing pyramidion...

Original entrance at the top, Robber’s tunnel lower right with a man standing in front.

It is located in present day Giza in Egypt, not far from Cairo. 

Great pyramid of Giza

Among other wonders of the Mediterranean world, only the Great pyramid is still alive, although it’s limestone casings are mostly gone reducing the height of the pyramid.

Khufu’s restored ship.


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