Tango 🤓


With generic mixtures of Spanish, Argentine, Columbian...among humble African populations living in Buenos Aires and Montevideo in late 19th century, Tango dance gradually came to be.

Tango as a term originally refers to musical gatherings of slaves but with time it came to become a partner dance which spread internationally.

Like every other phenomena of the ages, Tango has seen its rise and decline. 

Among the thesis or story of Tango’s origin as a dance, one points to the Yoruba religion of “Shango” (god of thunder) brought during the the slave trade by African descendants to South America where Tango metamorphosed into its present form and name.


With various styles developed over the years through changes in culture and music genres, Tango has carved an international place for itself.

Tango has many Health benefits like; physical exercise, cognition, emotional and educational health and social interaction. It’s also useful in rehabilitating those with mental health issues. 

Tango has been featured in many media and has influenced sports and music.

Gender and Tango at the point of intersection have moral challenges in society such as being viewed for sexuality or intimacy and the role of leadership in the dance- the man or woman 🙃


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