Tulip (a flower)

Tulips are from the genus Tulipa and family of lilies. They bloom in spring and become inactive in summer after flowering. It dies back underground to reemerge in early spring as a shoot.
Tulips are perennial bulbs (onions are also bulbs) which are herbaceous with edible flowers (I won't advise you to eat it 😁), its taste however depends on variety and season. They generally have white and other bright colors like yellow, pink.... The 75 species of Tulips are divided into 4 subgenera.

Tulip as a word originates from the Persian word for turban which it may have been thought to resemble.
Their natural habitat are mountainous areas with temperate climate. Their cultivation dates back to the 10th century in Asia and spread to the west as a tribute (or gift) to the Royal courts. It recorded first in the wild on the Tien shan mounts.
In the 17th century, the tulips in Netherlands was in large demand leading to the Tulip mania which was followed by a viral infection of tulips creating variegated patterns which was more beautiful.
A variegated Tulip.
The flowers are hermaphrodites without scent and nectar (frees them from insects 😉). Tulips grow patiently taking 7 years to show color and their bulbs require planting depths depending on bulb size.
Tulip is used as an emblem, inscribed on coins, popular in religious culture, as a topic of poetry, there are tulip festivals around the world and the prosperous era of the Ottomans is named the tulip era. The Tulip is one popular beautiful flower.
Its my hope to see mankind become more beautiful after this viral palaver 😊.


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