Sometimes 🚶

A lone ranger's poem

       Sometimes I wish....
       That I was born in a perfect world,
       That I have tight knit childhood friends,
       That I am fluent in all the world's languages,
       That I can use my phone without electricity or data headache,
       That I can live more graciously,
       That I am never broke,
       That I am always laughing,
       That we all love each other genuinely,
       That there is no war, crime, poverty,
       No vile nor bile,
       That I can live more fearlessly,
       That I have no down moments,
       No fear nor worry.....

       In my complaints to wish,
       I met Do,
       He jarred me to work,
       To create the perfect world I wished.

        So I set to work,
        I engaged in activities that makes me laugh,
        Loved everyone as I would want them love me,
        I quenched the blaze of vile with my little fist,
        I pulled out bile carefully,
        I learnt hardwork from the ants,
        I natured and neutered my world.

        Now boiling on fire, it's almost done,
        The perfect world I wished because I am creating that which I was wishing.


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