

Luxor - cruising on the Nile.

Present day city of Luxor seats on the banks of the Nile in upper Egypt and was ancient Thebes, famous for its large scale temples. 

Thebes served as capital city during the Middle Kingdom and as regional centre in the years prior and after. Thebes at a point in history (around 18th century BCE) was more populous than Memphis - then world’s most populous city.

Karnak temple.

Under the reign of titular Queen Hatshepsut (15th century BCE), Thebes reached its peak. Kings and queens made Thebes a city filled with religious buildings and mortuary temples.

Karnak temple was constructed large scale. Luxor temple was built by Queen Hatshepsut’ successors to deify the king. The decline of Thebes started gradually as the capital moved and became unreversed when Ashurbanipal of the Assyrian empire conquered the city, pillaging its wealth.

Queen Hatshepsut’ mortuary temple.

Thebes was the setting for the film - The Mummy. Now, it receives tourists and archaeologists in droves telling them the story of great rulers in ancient Egypt. 

Luxor temple - with its Obelisk.



2. Google photos.



  1. Egypt is one of the countries with a rich history. Thanks for these illuminating post


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