Kangaroo 🦘


Apart from being marsupials (animals with external pouch where the immature young grows) and non-ruminants, Kangaroos have a powerful hind limb that can run 70 kilometres per hour.

Kangaroos hind limbs have a strengthened gastrocnemius and plantaris for hopping. Their tail also serve as the third leg. 

33 days is the average gestation period of Kangaroos. The very tiny immature blind Joey (baby kangaroo) has a small limb to climb into the mother’s pouch where it attaches to a teat and grows over the course of nine months. After this, the Joey finally lives independently.

A Joey with a teddy bear 🤓

Kangaroos are constantly pregnant especially if the vegetation supports their feeding. But they have the ability to stop the growing embryo while also rearing another Joey in the pouch. It’s called embryonic diapause.
Joey in mama’s pouch.

Kangaroos can box.

Either fighting between themselves or playful boxing with humans...but in overall, they are friendly animals.

kangaroos can swim, don’t fart but can’t walk backwards 😂😂. 

Kangaroo crossing 

They are naturally earth protective because they don’t release methane gas (greenhouse gases), other animals like cattle while burping release methane. But Kangaroos have inbuilt bacteria that converts methane to acetate.

Kangaroo meat has low fat, therefore good for humans. A group of kangaroos is called a mob/troupe/court.


  1. Replies
    1. 🤩, your comment 😍, you just confirmed exploringearth’s goal

  2. Let go and kill some Kangaroossssss!!!!😋😋😋.

    Anyways, nice one. Thank you for the knowledge.

    1. Thank you 😁. But don’t go killing kangaroos 😉


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