Statue of liberty


The statue of liberty was dedicated in 1886, 110 years after America became independent, years after civil war against slavery.

One of the staircases inside

Built on Liberty island, New York, the statue of liberty stands 93metres tall with its pedestal. The statue is the Roman goddess of liberty - Libertas. Libertas is holding the tourch symbolizing enlightenment in her left hand and a book inscribed with the independence date in 1776 in her right. The figure is posed walking with broken shackles at its feet to recognise the recent abolition of slavery.

The statue was built to represent the ideals of freedom and enlightenment - It was named "Liberty enlightening the world." Later it became a welcome to those arriving by sea, mostly immigrants. The sculptor had chosen liberty island formerly Bedloe's island because of its location, everyone arriving at the harbour passes by it.

French sculptor Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel (mind behind the Eiffel tower in paris) both worked to construct the statue over years. Despite the delays due to funding, non positive response from society, it was completed and later became a national monument.

The statue was a joint effort by United States government and France. Today, apart from tourists, the statue of liberty is used in sci-fi films, on the face of some currency, as the name of some sports team. Miniature sizes have been erected in some parts of the world too. 

I look forward to walking in its crown  😊.


  1. An iconic statue... Passing the same message for decades - freedom at last

    1. Beautiful first comment of the year 😍, thank you

  2. Statue of libertyyy
    Thanks for this rich information about it dear, welldon


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