
   Cougar has over 40 names. Some are, mountain lion, puma, red tiger, panther, catamount..... It's native to the Americas and an adaptable mammalian species with a wide range of habitat.
   Cougar as a name has undergone numerous editing from its original expression to become Cougar in modern English. It's rendering as Puma stems from Peruvian meaning "Powerful"
    It's a large cat from the sub family Felinae (Cat family) with the scientific name "Puma Concolor."
    Cougar is very wise in it's predative activity. It lies quietly in ambush and mostly hunts alone going after a large variety of prey from insects to herbivores. They are both nocturnal and crepuscular (active at night and twilight). Of all cats, Cougar is more closely related to the smaller Felinae.
    The cat in it's generosity leaves prey it has killed for other predators. It's a very reticent mammal. It has the bodily characteristics of a predator like retractable claws on it's forepaws.
    Although big in size, Cougar isn't classed with the 4 big cats because it can't roar which is due to the absence of the specialized larynx and hyoid apparatus of panthera.
    They don't have melanin (all-black coloring mechanism). They are good sprinters but not long chasers, can swim and climb. They have an average litter of 1per 2-3 years and only females take care of the young.
    Cougar is the nickname of sport teams, Cusco (a city in Peru) is said to be designed in the cat's shape and they are highly identified in American indigenious mythology.
    Their range of habitat is being disturbed by growing human population but they generally don't identify humans as prey except in certain conditions.
    They are a celebrity among animals 🤭, no wonder the sports company is named after them 🤓.


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