
  Mount Fuji or Fuji-san is a beautiful volcanic mountain in Japan. It's conical in shape with a well balanced symmetrical beauty, most times snow capped.
     It has pink cherry flowers surrounding it which blossom in spring, bringing about It's nickname meaning causing the blossoms to bloom brightly. There are Autumn leaves as well that changes colour per seasons to either red, yellow or orange 😇.
      Fuji-san is the highest peak in Japan and visible from the capital city, Tokyo. It's surrounded by five lakes in a national park.
       Near the mount, there are villages built in traditional style and the dwellers produce art crafts for tourists. Pilgrimage is made to Fuji-san by Buddhist monks and it has several Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples and Taori gates. At the entrance to this religious street are two stone guards 💂, monitoring the entrance.
         Based on geography, culture and beliefs in Japan there's a term coined, "mount Creed." There are various religious beliefs attached to mount Fuji and it's one of Japan's holy mountains.
          Mount Fuji is often selected as a work of art in paintings and literature. It's known in the world as a symbol of Japan.
Fuji-san is a pretty site with a white cap and cute name 😂.


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