Mediterranean diet


Healthy benefits connect traditional cuisines seen in Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet refers to meals across Mediterranean countries - countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea - like Spain, Tunisia, France etc.

Mediterranean diet is connected by the classes of food common to them; fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts. All these confer protection against chronic diseases e.g Diabetes, heart disease and it promotes weight loss. Processed foods does the opposite.

There is no rigid meal timetable to follow a Mediterranean diet but a general guideline adaptable to local diets. One is avoiding red meat, refined foods, sweetened beverages, as well as moderate consumption of poultry and cheese.

Mediterranean diet also promotes sharing meals without distractions from mobiles. Extra virgin oil is advocated, and flavoring of foods with herbs and spices rather than salt.

Following a Mediterranean style of diet halos to improve health and lower risks of chronic diseases. More so, it costs less.


- Google photos.


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