African Renaissance Monument


49metres tall and the tallest statue in Africa - the African Renaissance Monument was completed in 2010 and located in Dakar, capital of Senegal, West Africa. 

Sculptured from copper and built atop a hill in the city outskirts, the monument pictures an African family; the baby seating on the father's upper arm and the free hand of the man wrapped around the wife's waist. Their gazes in the direction of sunlight, sysymbolizing the rise from obscurity. 

At its unveiling on Senegal's national (independence) day on 4th April, 2010, the president, surmised in my words said that the monument represents Africa rising to its destiny in the 21st century. The presence and words of other African heads of states at this event corroborates its common identity.

One of the controversies about the monument is said to be its portrayal of absolute power by African rulers. Critics say it has cartoon like features with little African characteristics.

Another is the design, which is said to have been made originally by a Romanian and so the international art community largely makes jest of the design as Senegalese. To cap it, the structure was built by a North Korean company.

Other criticism from within the country include the expense, the half nudity displayed. 😴 

Of all, my eyes is set on why the president still claims 35% of the copyright to the monument (imagine how much money that will be..), I thought he will leave it a legacy.

While in the face of both internal and external criticism of the monument said to depict Africa, permit me to ask if it represents you or your family as Africans? And also, how can we really project Africa as an identity whilst avoiding arguments? 


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