The Kalahari if graded, won’t qualify as a desert because it receives more rainfall than a typical desert. The Kalahari stretches across Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. It presents game reserves and so many history peculiar to the San people. There is green season and dry season months in the Kalahari. To experience cold nights and little rain, the dry season is best. To enjoy greens and birds however, green season is better. There are sociable bird nests that can house up to 500 birds at the same time. The Kalahari has one of the largest population of Cheetahs and Meerkats; a sociable animal from Lion king. Meerkat. The quiver tree was so named because it’s branches was used by the San people for arrows. Kalahari is a favorite safari for tourists. Quiver tree. Notes; 1. https://www.namibiaexperience.com/places-to-visit/kalahari/ 2. Google photos.